
New York, I Love You But You're Bringing Me Down

This morning I reached a point that I usually reach a lot earlier in my breaks from school when I come home.

I'm ready to go back. I am ready to just leave New York.

We texted this morning as I hit my breaking point and he told me to look up this song. Its perfect.

Don't get me wrong. Being home has some real perks. I love being in my own room again, having my bathroom, heck - i like my whole house :) Its nice spending time with Dad, Mom & the boys. Joey is still Joey but George has done a lot of growing up since I was last home and its great to see that. I like being able to go to church with the family, I like not having to spend my own money on gas. I like seeing Mike, Laura, Sam, and over this trip - Brandon & Boomer (and talking to Tommy on the phone). It has been a great break, but -

I feel like my parents have a hard time grasping that I have really been on my own for the last three years. I stayed for a summer term after freshman year. I lived in Buena Vista the entire summer after sophomore year. I worked in Washington, DC this past summer. I am about to graduate and move to either Salt Lake, Washington DC or Orlando - Life is moving, Im living, and doing it on my own.

Am I too independent for my own good? I wonder that sometimes.

Anyway - listen to the song, and look for updates on when I get back to VA & the haircut. Its cool.

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