
Family Photos - Preview

If you are one of my readers who already follows Brinn Willis' Blog, BMW Photography, then you may have already seen a preview of our family photos that she took after graduation but if not... I will post them here! I have to say, I absolutely love the previews so I am really excited to see the finished product. Miss Willis is super busy cause she's a pretty rad photographer so I've been promised I will have them before I move and these photos will get me through until then.

First - Some old family photos

Joey, Me, Mom, Dad, George (who looks like he doesn't belong because he is standing so far away haha) after Moms graduation from Nursing School

Another group photo after Moms Pinning Ceremony

Me and Ma

Joey and Mom

Mom and Dad :)

Mom and the kids

Dad, Me and Mom after my high school graduation. June 2007.

Dad and I after my high school graduation. June 2007.
Dad, Mom, Me, George (an unhappy one at that) and Joey at the Washington, D.C. Temple after being sealed as a family for time and all eternity in November of 1997. Just a week or so after I was baptized.

Isn't my dad just the cutest?! Oh, and that's baby me!

Mom and I, Probably in the spring of '90, at least.

Mom, Me and Dad - This was taken after I was baptized as a baby, before my family joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

George and I, around '95.

Me, Dad and George just messing around. Hopefully George doesn't see that I post this or doesn't get mad, sorry buddy :) You were just so cute!!

So, that was then and this... is now:

Joey, Me, George, Mom, Dad and Grandma. Super posed, not my favorite photo, but the fam was still getting used to photos being taken of them and it seems they got better as we went on.

Daddy and I. I love the tie he is wearing, he brought it with him specifically because that is the tie I bought for him when I was in Rome, Italy last Christmas break.

Mom and I - Brinn kept saying how we have the same eyes, Yeah?

Mom and her boys :)

George. I like his tie. And his fedora. And that signature smirk he loves to do.

Joey wasn't sold on the tie I bought for him but I think it looks so good with his gray suit. He's got his "swag on", as he says.

Sibling love.


I can't tell you how much I totally love this picture, I seriously cannot get over it!! 

So, here is the question, who looks like who? And who wants to hire Brinn for photos?! :)

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