
T - 1 Day

Today is Thursday.
I could have taken my Econ History final this morning but I decided to take it tomorrow morning since I didn't sleep last night. Rockbridge County was back and forth between a tornado warning and watch all night long.

So today, I woke up around 10am (wonderful) and, sorted the mountains of laundry I need to do before my fam gets here tomorrow night. Then I made some flower hair clips with fabric flowers and by rolling fabric in to flowers. They're pretty cute.

Then I painted my nails. again. I painted them yesterday but my nails are weird and my polish always chips and to keep them growing, and strong I have to keep a couple coats of something on them.

Now I am about to shower, straighten my hair, and I will head up to the library to study and finish the corrections I have on my senior paper.

Basically, everything is done. Once I make the few revisions I need to make on my paper and take my Econ final, I am done.

Until Monday, when I start my real final class for my undergraduate degree.

The family gets here tomorrow night and I'll have a large casserole dish full of manicotti waiting for them. Saturday morning is graduation and that evening we will be taking some family photos. Sunday I get to bring them with me to church and then they will leave Virginia at some point Monday. I will start classes Monday... but maybe Tuesday depending on when they leave.

So weird.

I'm graduating college.

Freshman Year in the car with Dad as we drive through Pennsylvania on the way to drop me off at school. Braces, nervous wreck, and excited all at the same time.
Senior Year in the car with Mallory getting ready to deliver a Key Lime pie to Josh for his birthday. Bangs. No braces. Much more aware of who I am, what makes me happy, and not the same little girl who arrived in Buena Vista almost 4 years ago.

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